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Monday, February 10, 2014
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
my freind an me are making a book. you like?
please excuse typos. please tell me what you think
1. Lilliana: The Center
“No!” the guard yelled as I ran across the training field. I sprinted headlong at the gates, and they burst open, allowing me to dash around the corner. Immediately, I skidded to a stop because a huge brick wall loomed over me, oppressive, and captivating. I wheeled around and raced down the dirt road towards the nearest city.
After about twenty-five miles of non stop running, I hit the city outskirts. I kept running towards the packed streets of Zandia. As I ran, buildings whooshed past me. This is what I had worked so hard for. I was top in the Track class, and I had trained for a year for this opportunity. For freedom, the chance to live without fear of the Center.
I ran straight to my grandfather's house and banged on the door. It opened and he rushed me inside. He shut the door behind me, and locked it.
“Lilliana, you should not be here! You know I could be arrested!”He whispered.
“Please don't send me back out there!” I pleaded. He rubbed his forehead, and muttered under his breath.
“You may stay the night.” He finally sighed. I walked up the hall to the little room where I would sleep for the night. a lumpy couch was in the corner,and I sat down. I then began to think. Maybe I should leave grandpa be. He could be arrested for harboring me. He was a government official, and could be sentenced to a lifetime in prison. I stood up and ducked out of the tiny room. I tip-toed to the door, and quietly slipped out. I turned the corner and ducked into an alley.
Immediately I was caught in a tractor beam. I went upwards and into the Hover craft. Rough hands grabbed me and forced me into a seat. Laser bands kept attached to that seat in the back room. I cursed myself for running away. Well, at least Grandpa wouldn't be arrested.
“How long should her punishment be?” The Punishment Officer asked.
“Six months.” The curt reply came from the Commander. I grimaced. I heard the officer chuckle. I knew he was planning horrible punishments for me, but I didn't care. I wanted freedom. Unfortunately, I was going to have to wait six months for that. Crap. I was forced into a skin tight jumpsuit, then pushed down a set of stairs.
They took me to the dungeon, which didn't really fit its name. I was a long clean hallway, white everywhere, and smelled like a hospital. Every cell they had was padded with silk mattresses, and a huge pillow. I think they didn't want the cell mates to hurt themselves.
They shoved me inside a padded cell, and locked the door behind me. I lay sprawled out on the floor, and breathless. My heart beat loudly, and my breathing was quick and shallow. I really didn't like this cell. It was the cell they put me in every time this happened, and it had happened a lot. I ran into the wall again and again, trying to knock myself out. Eventually my system broke down and gave up. I sat there for about 5 hours until they finally came and got me. I strode the cell hall proudly, and my head held high. I did this to look fearless and unresponsive to the few kids in here. Into the Punishment Gym I went, to spend six months. I stepped onto the blacktop, exhaled, and prepared for the worst. I did not prepare for the unexpected. I was grabbed and carried over to long poles, were about five other people were hog tied to them I was tied to the pole, and they moved into a side room full of people. The poles began to slowly turn. a purple light turned on above me. I had been sold to a sector. I was transported to a separate building. still hogtied, I stood in the gym of the new building.
Something grabbed my shoulders and carried me over to the cleaning station. I was put inside a giant tube, and the top was sealed. A pair of Punishment Officers sat at the control board, smiling evilly. One of them pressed a switch, and long, mechanic, tubes sucke d my arms and legs into the holes of the tubes. They stretched so that I was spread eagle in the air, and completely vulnerable. She pressed another button and metal sponges appeared. They proceeded to scrub every inch of my body, until at least two layers of skin were gone. I was bright pink, and sore. Stiff bristled brushes came out next and a huge bottle of soap followed immediately after. The soap bottle was poured into a metal tub the size of a hot tub, and I was placed in it. The brushes went to work, scraping every inch of my body, adding a stinging sensation to my skin. I was run through two rotating wheels with rubbery sticky bristles. They made the soap even more sudsey. A heavy sheet of water was slowly run over the top of me, soaking me to the bone. I stood there shivering while they scanned me. When the scanner was finished, it beeped loudly, and the tubes moved me to a table. I was lain on the table,and left there. I sat up and was immediately pulled back down to the table by straps that forced my body to flatten all the way, A light turned on directly above me, and an Officer stood holding a cleaning laser. He turned it on, and prodded my foot. I bit my tongue to keep from screaming. after numerous proddings all over my body, i was carried to the monkey bars, and was forced onto them. I did them until i dropped onto the hot coals. I screamed, and the officers in the gym laughed. I tried to run off of the the coals but bumped into a glass wall. i ran and jumped for the bars, but missed. this happened over and over, until they let me out and moved me to a different station. i was tied to a stick and placed over the top of a huge bonfire, that reached twenty meters into the air. The stick started to turn,and I began to slide. the ropes holding me were beginning to break. I couldn’t move until my arms were freed,and then i grabbed the stick for dear life. The Officers saw this, and fired a flare at me. It hit, making me lose hold,and only holding on by my ankles. the rope was about to burn through, and I was screaming in pain. A loud buzzer rang and the fire was put out. I dropped onto more hot coals. I scrambled up and tried to move out of the fire pit, but kept sliding to the middle. a claw came and scooped me out, and dumped me in a pool of ice cold water. Unfortunately i couldn’t swim, and the pool was 14 feet deep. I kicked my legs and managed to stay afloat, until the claw dropped me off on a table. Straps found my limbs again, and i was forced to lay down. An Officer came over,and pressed a button. A huge saner moved over the top of me, and ran the length of my body. Suddenly I was no larger than a hamster. I stood up and scampered to the edge of the table, but the officer caught me before i could jump off. HE put me inside a hamster ball. And put it on a machine. He flipped a switch and ball began to turn I was forced to run and soon the machine went so fast i stopped running and was forced to the edge of the ball. IT stopped and the offer reached inside for me. I scrambled away from his hand, but he caught me by my ankle. He dangled me upside down, and put me inside an hourglass. he turned it upside down, and sand poured onto me. I screamed, and got a mouthful of sand, i moved to the edge of the on the table the scanner went over the top of me again, and straps found my arms. The table moved to a white room outside the gym, where nurses were standing around everywhere we nurses. One was in a mint green uniform. She came over to the table and hooked it up to a machine. the pushed a lever, and THe table turned me over. The nurse put a needle in my butt,and held it there for five minutes. Another one put one in my arm. I saw blood go out and i screamed. they pulled the needles out,and turned me over. they forced my mouth open,and put what felt like hot flames on my tongue. I screamed until they closed my mouth and rubbed my throat, forcing me to swallow fingers pressed into my wrist, and neck. someone hooked me up to an IV pole. a thermometer was put in my mouth. needle went in and out of my body so fast i lost track of how many. I screamed loud enough to break glass, and they stuffed a large piece of rubber in my mouth. somebody shoved a tube up my nose, and they looked through the tube. a light was flashed in my eye and the eyelid stretched open. My mouth was yanked open and held that way by a stick. A dentist came and checked my teeth. He started to drill into one,and i screamed. my mouth filled with water. and was held shut. eyedrops were dripped on my eyes that had been yanked open. my ears were being probed, and I was was being checked for broken bones. they shoved a q-tip down my throat after i swallow water., and yanked it out. “She has strep.” one of them said. the table turned me over again, and multiple needles were shoved into my butt. I Screamed, and then put the rubber back in. i turned back over to face a giant machine over the top of me tickled and wired. “she is fine now” the declared my hair was being pulled, and i tried to scream around the rubber. a sharp comb was being ran through my hair. finally the table moved out of the room and back into the gym. Straps lowered from the ceiling and caught onto me. I was carried up into the air, and was spread out till it felt like i was being ripped apart. IT lowerd me slightly so that the officer in charge of me could se me all over. He and another officer wer circlin around my suspened body using a marker and scanner. the scanner was used to find spots that were not clean. the marker was jabbed wher the spot was. unclean spots were found all over my body. i was covered in bright green spots. the straps dropped me and the claw caught me. the clw picked me up,an carried me over to the rock wall. it went across the ceiling. the harness was shoved onto my eagle spread body, and hooked to the end of it. I started to climb, and when I was halfway across the ceiling a waterfall started on top of me. I held on till my arm flailed and I zoomed towards the ground. the harness caught me just before i hit the ground, giving me a wedgie. the teh it placed me down,and I scrambled to my feet and ran out of the gym. I heard the guards following me. I ran around the corner and ran right into the electronic lasers. Suddenly I was on the floor, and black spots were intruding into my vision. The guards grabbed my and dragged me to my cell, I passed out when my head hit the cushion.
I felt finger stretch my eye lid open. When it was let back, I blinked, and opened my eyes. A man in a white coat with a goatee was standing over me. I squeezed my eyes shut and held them there. I felt fingers press on the inside of my wrist. Something cold was on my neck. I t was giving me the chills. I reached back to remove it, but my hands wouldn't respond
“Try not to move too much. You could break your spine.” the man said gently
“Who, are you?” I ask weakly.
“ I am your uncle.”He said hesitantly.
“I work here to keep an eye on you. Now hold still.”
“Why can't I move anything?”
“The nerves that send messages to you arms and torso are temporarily paralyzed.”
“What is your name?”
“That doesn't matter right now.”
A team of people suddenly burst into the room.
“Out!” my uncle snarled. “she is not ready yet.”
THe leader of the group signaled everyone and they followed him out. As soon as i was able to move, the table moved me back to the gym. instead of going to the punishment one, it took me to a room that looked like an over-large beauty salon. i was grabbed and shoved into a beauty chair. straps held me down. A team of people began to work over me. they buffed and polished me to the bone. the chair began to move. it moved to a huge empty swimming pool. liquid started to gush into it, and light green color. the chair moved to the edge of the pool, and began to tip forward until it was holding me inclined that if the strps wer to brake, i would fall face first into the pool. To no surprise, the straps released me. I was dumped head first into the pool, and the liquid began to move. ti churned, switching me round and round. my skin was stinging, and the liquid was moving faster. a huge sponge the size of my body moved towards me. it scrubber me not letting me breathe. finally i was pulled out by my wrists, and realized that all the hair on my body except for my head was all gone. The 20 or so people crowded around me holding tweezers like they were needles. they were needle sharp, so it was appropriate shoved me back out into the gym,and i was taken towards a separate room. it was the room i had been sold in earlier, and was tied to the pole again. this time, the suit was see through, and made me uncomfortable. someone came and pulled my pole into a new room.
He stared at me circling me, and began to push the pole to a new building. When we were there he tasered me, and I dropped to the floor. I woke up strapped to a wall, with a man looking me over. He had black hair, and a mustache similar to Hitler's. Wearing a white coat, he looked like a doctor, except with an evil look in his eye. There was a group of people in the corner, and I looked away and squeezed my eyes shut.
“Aw, look, it’s scared. how cute,” The man came close to my face, and whispered,
“You should be.”
“I am not an it!” I growled, and snapped at his face. He leaned back and grinned.
“I am going to have fun with you.” He took a step back, and looked me up and down.
“Hmm. I think we start with the torture lesson, and then we move on to the care of orphaned subjects. So,” He said rubbing his hands to gether.
“Let’s get started.” He clapped his hands, and the cluster of teens over in the corner moved towards me. They grinned evilly, and I scowled. A blond boy came up to me. his face was perfect,no blemishes at all, a sign of care for him all his life, and his eyes were and icy cold blue. H
“Now, now don’t be like that sugar.” He cupped my face in his hand and I snapped at him he jerked back and laughed.
“I like this one. it’s more feisty than the others. Instructor, may I take this one for myself? After the lesson?”
“Yes, yes. go ahead.” Blondie looked back at me. His smile was smug.
“First thing, strap your subjects face down to the table. Next, hook up the blood testing equipment, like we showed you yesterday, using tubes a, b and d. Use the larger ones, and get as much blood, as you can. Oh, those of you with females, make sure you put on the earmuffs because they can scream loud.” I gritted my teeth, and the blond working over me shove the needle into the end of it. I couldn't hold it back. I screamed, shattering several tubes at other tables. When it was over I was panting, and the blond was laughing.
“Not so tough anymore, huh?” He smirked. I growled in response.
“Oho! This one still has some juice in it.” He grinned. “That’ll be gone fast. Next up is slow cooking. We learned how in the last class. I found the turkey delicious. I can’t wait to see how brown this one looks. Don’t worry, we don’t eat you, we just cook you and leave you in there there overnight.” I growled and flexed my muscles, and miraculously the bands broke. I lept up immediately giving myself a head rush. A stabbing pain in my butt made me collapse. The blond laughed and grabbed my face, and I closed my eyes. He laughed harder and he whispered in my ear,
“Wow, impressive. But your hopes will fall. I'll make sure of it!” His teeth grazed my earlobe, and I shivered. He laughed, and pulled away. He picked me up and swung me on the table, slamming me hard. the straps were buckled over me, and the table turned vertical. He grinned at me one last time, and I passed out.
2. Dauna: Revolution
My skin burned from the day of pain. The Class had worked on discipline, and enjoyed tasering me. Multiple spots all over my body were in pain, as I waited for the night to come. I gave up on the bed, and laid down on the cold, metal floor. I tossed my blanket over the window to block out the light. Light was not what I needed right now.
Finally the night came. The cold air felt really good to my burned skin. I waited for the sleep, where only dreams lurked, no pain. The guards came by and I pretended to be sleeping. They walked pass, yelling at those who had been still awake. I hated this place.
The room to the right of my centered bed was opened up to let in an unconscious girl. The room next to mine was always occupied. The previous person must be, no I can't live like that,I can’t let myself die. I just don't talk and tried not be seen.
The people carrying her put her on the bed. and swore at her, as if she could hear them. I knew how soon they would come for me in the morning and could only pray that my six hours of sleep felt longer.
I heard the girl in the room next to mine groan which attracted the attention of the guards who swore again and yelled at her for showing signs of pain.
I ignored the protest next door and tried to think about getting out. Then a brilliant idea came to me. But it could not be done with only one person. Maybe, no. The girl wouldn’t listen. Just because she is the only person closest to my cell, doesn’t mean she’ll help. How would I know that she will do what I say? But I know she has had a bad time here as I have. Maybe desperateness will help. I tap the bars on my cell, quiet so no one would hear. Except the girl. I don’t know if she would listen, so I quietly sang, the song I have known for years,
For the wind and the flowers,
The work and the hours,
The free and the just ,
For the people who must,
The end of the story ,
Don't have glory,
For the patient who wait,
Will be their downfall,
I dont care if they’re listening,
Or if they might try,
For the end is nearing,
I dont care if they die,
They may have the tools,
For burning and sin
But I will not fall
They don't know where I’ve been
They burn us with fire,
They steal our breath
They make us dire
We will not fall
For their purpose is filth
The end will be nearing
And revolution’s beginning
Soon morning will break,
And night will fall,
And we’ll be away,
Safe from them all.
And away we stay
I dont care if I burn
I dont care if I die
But they will come to
And realize that we,
Are people of knowledge
Though they may not know it
They can die too.
She gasped and sat up, panting hard. She looked over at me, and gaped. My face probably looked like wrinkled leather. She looked like a ghost. Probably blood day. Poor thing. She was a newbie, and probably had no experience with this much pain. The anguish in her eyes told me otherwise.
I winked at her from my cell. This is planning. I sang it again, but this time louder, add the power to my words. I dont care who hears me. The guards came over and threatened me. But I kept singing. they started to come into my cell and I cracked my knuckles. showtime. they had guns. I have fists. The odds were not in my favor, but they never see me coming. I sang louder so everyone could hear. I especially wanted the cameras to hear my song. I taunted the guards, with my index and middle finger doing the come at me sign. My song was almost over, they came at me I flipped him hard in the ground. My song ended but I added a little extra:
But we will always win
I sang softly in his ear like he had done years before. Ten others ran at me. I was wildly punching and elbowing when the first came in front of me. She immediately tasered me. I dropped to the ground darkness spreading over my vision, and i screamed the last two words i was conscious for:
“Burn in…”
Then the darkness took me.
3. Lilliana: Dumb blond
The next day, I opened my eyes to the icy blue eyes of Blondie. I jumped, and he laughed. I tried to sit up, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t look down either. He drummed his nails on the table, and it clanged like tin. I realized that I must have been strapped to a massive cooking sheet. He began to push me into a small room, and walked out, saying,
“Have a lovley 48 hours. hope you get a lovely tan.” I realized that there were iron bars above, and and red light coming from below. He slammed the door. The room heated, and I sweated. Finally, I passed, out. I woke in blissful cold, and dark. a mirror was above my face, and i looked like fruit leather. I looked over to the next cell where the girl who was singing was. her nose was bleeding and she was lying out cold. I crawled over the the bars, and started to sing the song. Everyone here had grown up singing that song, until their parents were murdered. Orphans, are realy made on purpose. our parents are murdered, because of infractions. genes they don't want us to have. rebellion, knowledge,creativity. The blond walked up to my cage and crouched down.
“Hey, are you dead yet? Good. I like them when they’re feisty.”
“Hey, how do drown a dumb blond? Put a scratch and sniff at the bottom of the pool, and tell him to go sniff it.”
“Shut up, animal.”
“Ooh, touchy subject.”
“I said shut it.”
“How to you kill a dumb blond?”
“I said shut up!”
“Give him a knife and tell him it’s a lollipop.”
“You are going to be sorry!
“Ooh! Scary!”
“You will regret this!” He hissed at me.
“Yeah, sure I will.” He slammed into my cage, and stalked off, kicking the other cages as he went. I smirked, and The girl next to me laughed. I started to sing again, and the girl joined me. Soon the whole hall of cages was singing. On the line,
Revolution is nearing,
guards came in swiftly. One for each cage. They reached into them with tasers and screams echoed through the hall I kept singing, louder than ever. They reached in and tasered me. I had seen enough pain, and grabbed the wires with my shirt. I yanked them as hard as i could, the shocking only feeling like static electricity now. I yanked them out of the gun, and tossed the to the back. I kicked the guard in the face, and leapt out of my cell. I ran down the hall, round house kicking a guard in the nose, and unlatching several cages as I went. A hoard of kids went out behind me, and we raced out of the exits.
“To Zandia!” I shouted, and we ran until kids started dropping . I realized that the hoverships were tranquilizing us with darts. One Hit me and I yanked it out. I kept running. More hit, and soon I could no longer run anymore. I struggled to keep my eyes open. My last look was one of blondie smirking at me.
4. Dauna
I woke up. my nose was bleeding, my face was bruised and there was a slight washed away blood stain on the floor of my cell. i must have been out for a long time. the blood was dry and brown and the sun was setting. my arms hurt too much to move. i moaned quietly then stopped and closed my eyes because they don't touch you when you are unconscious. they want you to see the pain you are having. i slightly opened my eyes, just so i could see only a little. there was no one. no one except the girl who was in the cell by mine. her skin like tanned leather ,and her eyes swollen.
“Have a nice sleep?”
I laughed weakly “I’m glad there is no one around. What happened?”
“You happened.”
“what?” my voice rasped. My voice only used for singing and not really for talking.
“The song.” she said simply.
“Thanks for that useless information.” I say irritated.
“They are coming, you know. You might want to, pass out.”
I sighed. I don't really care what they do to me . I go through everything they can throw at me.
I have never been so wrong.
5. Lilliana: Make that Stupid, Dumb Blonde
I stared through the bars at the Center fading away. I was being taken to a new prison, about 90 miles away, and to my surprise, so was the girl in the Cell next to me. The ride was bumpy, and it jostled my cage, making me bang my head several times. Eventually the bumping of the truck became soothing and I fell asleep. Huge mistake.
When I woke, I kept my eyes shut, trying not to freak out when I saw blondie’s eyes right up to mine. I squeezed my eyelid open, and found a white shiny plastic ceiling. I opened my eyes, and found to my astonishment that I could stand up and walk around. I stood and stretched. My clothes I had slept in were dingy, so I looked around. A soft, white leather couch sat in one corner, and a padded chest on the other. i Walked over to the chest and opened. I spread my findings out on the floor: a white hair brush, white hair ties, white clothes (skirts, shirts, pants, socks, etc.)a blanket, a few pillows, (all white, of course), and my object now; a small mirror. I stared at myself in the mirror. My face was perfect, the swollen eyes gone, the look of burnt chicken no longer stealing the beauty of my face. it had been awhile since my hair had been red. When they took you to the Center, the dyed your hair brown, and made you wear contacts to make your eyes look brown. My hair was clear of dye, and it was a deep riveting red, and my eyes were a deep, clear, sky blue. My skin was a pale color, with out any freckle, or scar. An invisible panel on the wall slid open and a surprised looking girl stepped in, wearing clean white attire. I stood.
“Are you the girl…” I asked confused.
“Who are you?” the girl asked at the same time. I laughed. The stopped abruptly. I hadn’t laughed since I was three.
“ Were you the girl who sang the song?”
“Yes,” she said hesitantly. “Were you the girl who set the kids free?”
“Yeah.” I smiled at the memory. “How did you get in here?” I asked, the question tugging at my mind.
“Um, I leaned against the wall. I think you have to touch it or something.”
“Is your, um, room the same as this one?”
“So. Do you suppose there is a bathroom around here?”
“You have to use the small white bucket under your bed.” She shrugged.
“You have to use the small white bucket under your bed.” She shrugged.
“Can you like, leave so I can change?” I asked uncertainly.
“Hurry. I am super bored. I have not had someone to talk to in years.” I quickly changed into a clean white spaghetti strap summer dress, similar to the ones I’d worn when I was three. I leaned on the wall, and it opened. I walked in to find she was staring out a window. I stood there for a second, and the opposite wall slid open. I walked forward, but crashed into a glass wall. guards walked in, and dragged the girl out of the room, kicking and screaming. I stared, and slumped against the glass, sobbing. The girl was gone, and I didn’t even know her name.
6. Dawna: In a freaking truck.
Being dragged away from some where you hate makes you feel giddy, but when you know that you are going somewhere worse, that destroys the feeling.
I hate trucks. I easily get car sick. Right when I got on the large grey vehicle, I felt like barfing. and my guards knew it. They laughed and told me to have fun. If I puke I will deliberately aim at them.
I was thrown into the truck, adn driven to a new prison. The inside of my cell in the new place wasthe sam eas the one in the truck, and it was white. All white. Divided by glass were the cells. only five of them in this truck. The guards came in after me with large guns facing me. Really. In this glass place, guns were not a good idea. I walked to the first cell. after a minute or two the other girl came in, well they brought her. She was sleeping. soon the walls fogged up so you couldn’t see the next cell. I noted a thin outline of a door on the left wall that connected to the other cell. I really saw what was in my cell for the first time. an open white box with multiple items of clothing and something silvery that i couldn't quite see. i walked over to see what there is to wear. i noted my duty grey clothes, white sounds nicer. i put on a white top with sleeves more like wings with a slight furry feel to it, then a matching skirt.
There was a white window closer to the corner. I wanted to check out the glass door. I touched it and it opened by turning so I was on the other girl’s side. we had a quick conversation that I am sure she already described. A while later guards came and dragged me from the room.
[No Lilliana, I did not kick and scream.] Well, okay I might have bitten one vampire style. He was the one screaming. I hope I get the cell by the other girl. I should really ask her name. they tranquilized me in the butt before I could look outside.
I woke up to a blonde guy staring at me, with icy blue eyes, lighter than the girl’s.
“What the crap dude! Can I at least have personal space?” He smiled creepily. Seriously, what is wrong with this kid?
“I was coming to collect you, for some, treatment.” Weirdo.
My hair loomed over my shoulders, it was a fiery red again. that means I have to get my hair done, again. Gosh dang it. They have the most unnatural things they do to you. I like my hair. I punched him, making him flinch and whimper a little. Which made me snicker. His whimper sounded like someone kicked a dog. He growled. very doglike.
“Tie her down!” he snarled at someone nearby. After that was done,(which took 20 guards, two tranquilizers, and I’m proud the chair moved towards a pool, the size of a bathtub. The chair reclined, and soon I was laying down. I stared up at him in confusion. He laughed, and tousled my hair roughly. I growled back. But in more of a cat like way. Deep in my throat. My hands gripped the straps and I pulled with all my might. They broke, but I was immediately shot down by novacaine. My legs went numb, and I was dragged back onto the chair. I hated that they changed what we looked like. i was filled with fury. i gripped the armrests as they worked over me. then i pulled them off and hit them multiple times with it.
They brought out thicker ropes and gagged me. Someone flashed something silver, and made a snipping sound. I turned my head, and realized they were cropping my hair to my chin. I squirmed, and They laughed. I hate them. if i had the chance, i would kill them all. They stretched my eyelid open and inserted gray contacts, ones that would stay in for more than six months. They hadn't changed my hair color, yet I could still get out of it. This time I closed my eyes hard and something clicked. I turned into an animal. It is just an expression, to say I turned into a fighting machine I scratched, clawed, bit and punched, anything I could reach. I went wild. Who ever got in my way, well you can imagine. they shot my with sleeping darts, but they were ineffective. I made my way to the blonde. you know i will just call him Draco. he is very weasley. with is thin face, small features, and longer nose. and a fearful look in his eyes.
“SKIP THE HAIR DYE!!!” he yelled at the remaining workers.
“GET HER TO HER CELL!” he screamed fearfully.
at least twenty more people grabbed be and dragged me to my cell and left me there. my arms and legs were tired. i lie down on my bed. this cell is the exact same as the one in the truck. every detail except the glass door. and i fell asleep thinking about shooting all of them with my bow in the city. hidden. like i want to be.
Monday, February 3, 2014
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